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How to properly store and maintain in ear wireless earbuds and neckband bluetooth headphones?

2020-04-15 17:49:59

The way you store and transport your in ear wireless earbuds/neckband bluetooth headphones when they are not in use is one of the key factors that affect their life length and performance.

neckband bluetooth headphones

Whenever you are done with using your in ear wireless earbuds/neckband bluetooth headphones, place them in their protective bag or case. This will keep them protected from the dust and all the dirt that is in our apartments, on our clothes and body, as well as the dirt they can pick up in public transport.

neckband bluetooth headphones

Pay attention to the cable. If you leave your neckband bluetooth headphones lying around, audio cable is one of the first things that will be damaged.

If you use in ear wireless earbuds/neckband bluetooth headphones for workouts, make sure they are completely dry before you store them or use them again.

in ear wireless earbuds

Don’t unplug them by holding the cable. Always hold the jack in these situations and the cable will last longer.

Things you shouldn’t do if you want your in ear wireless earbuds or neckband bluetooth headphones to last

Even if you’re cleaning your neckband bluetooth headphones/in ear wireless earbuds on regular basis, it doesn’t mean you are treating them perfectly. You shouldn’t use too much soap or dangerous chemicals. Soap can leave residue on the device and chemicals can damage the material the neckband bluetooth headphones/in ear wireless earbuds are made of. Some of them can even make the paint start to peel.

in ear wireless earbuds

Also, don’t submerge any parts in the water while cleaning the neckband bluetooth headphones. Too much water can destroy the drivers, so try to squeeze the cloth as much as you can before you start wiping. The exception can be made with silicone ear tips that can be submerged in water and cleaned.

Be careful when using alcohol, especially when cleaning full-size neckband bluetooth headphones, as it can damage plastic and leather parts.