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Living in music

jaskey 2015-06-17 09:46:08

When you listen to the sounds of music,hep-6056 running earphones is a must choice.Bluetooth headset is not only small and cute style, but also easy to carry, then how to use it?

1.Buy a new running earphones AEP-0208, Cute, open it. .

2.Press and hold the power button for a few seconds, if the red lights flashing, indicating the running earphones running out of power, will be electrically connected to an external power supply charge

3.Then open the phone settings, open the Bluetooth phone, search for devices.

4.After the search appliance, locate the Bluetooth headset, tap pairing.

5.After successfully connecting running e
arphones, Bluetooth logo in blue lights on the running earphones, and then open a cool dog like the music player, pick a song to play.