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用户 注册 说明
Свяжитесь с нами
Тел. Номер: 0086-755-82239330-808
Электронный адрес: info@jaskeyworld.com
Адрес офиса: 4 / этаж, здание 1 центра Синцзи, промышленная зона Даньчжоу, район Лунган, Шэньчжэнь, Китай


The original file in EPS, AI and PDF is the preferred form for the better image quality. Please convert all artwork and fonts to outline form.
For scanned art in JPG or TIF, the resolution must be at least 500 dpi or better.
If artworks are submitted via email or the web, please compress the file using either Stuffit or Winzip.
For larger files, please upload to our Artwork center.
Lastly, please mark the “Pantone colour” & “Size of logo” on the artwork especially for the special request from the end customer.