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What is the bone conduction earphones?

2022-05-18 13:50:02

Whether it is for animals or humans, listening to sound is very important, and the ear is an important organ for us to perceive sound. So why do we still hear our own voice when we cover our ears? Why do we always feel that our recordings don't sound like our own? Why do we still feel noisy when we chew our food carefully? This is because sound is transmitted to the inner ear mainly through two routes, air conduction and bone conduction. Typically, both propagation paths operate simultaneously. However, most of the sounds we hear are transmitted to our ears by means of air conduction.

1. رhe classification of Active Noise Cancelling TWS Earphones معدات

1) Classified by sound frequency, divided into ultrasonic bone conduction and normal bone conduction

The ultrasonic bone conduction hearing aid modulates the sound signal into the ultrasonic range, and then transmits it to the human auditory nerve through bone conduction. It is mainly used for patients with total deafness or deep deafness.

The normal bone conduction hearing device directly converts the received speech signal into a vibration signal, which is the sound transmission principle of most bone conduction devices at present.

2) According to the wearing method, it can be divided into two types: external wearing type and implanted fixed type.

External wearables do not require surgical fixation, such as Active Noise Cancelling TWS Earphones. Implanted fixed bone conduction hearing devices need to be surgically implanted into the human body to restore hearing in patients with sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and mixed hearing loss.

3) According to the principle of sound production, bone conduction hearing aids can be divided into three types: electromagnetic type, piezoelectric type, and giant magnetostrictive type.

2. The application of bone conduction technology

At present, most of the earphones and hearing aids on the market are made of the principle of air vibration, so the application of air conduction will not be repeated in this article. Bone conduction eliminates part of the sound wave transmission steps, and can achieve clear sound restoration in a noisy environment. At the same time, sound waves will not affect others due to diffusion in the air. Taking advantage of this feature, people apply bone conduction technology to different in the field.

The specific applications of bone conduction technology are as follows:

(1) Bone conduction hearing aids

For conductive hearing loss (meaning that the sound channel in the patient's ear is blocked, the external sound cannot be transmitted normally, so that it cannot perceive the sound), we can use the hearing aid to open or re-open a channel, so that the sound can be directly transmitted to the human brain through vibration, Through the auditory nerve, the deaf patient can re-perceive external sounds. Bone conduction hearing aids on the market today are usually divided into two types: external and implantable. The plug-in type does not need to be worn by surgical fixation. Implantable hearing aids can usually be divided into three types: bone-anchored, middle-ear implanted, and external-ear implanted.

(2) Bone conduction microphone

Bone conduction microphones use the slight vibration of the bones of the head and neck caused by people's speech to collect sound signals and convert them into electrical signals. Since the loss rate of sound in bone conduction is much lower than that in air conduction, it can transmit sound with high clarity even in a very noisy environment, which has important application value in many occasions where strong anti-noise capability is required.

(3) Active Noise Cancelling TWS Earphones

Like bone conduction microphones, Active Noise Cancelling TWS Earphones نقل الصوت إلى الأذن الداخلية من خلال الاهتزازات في الجمجمة. لأنه على اتصال مباشر بالعظام ، يمكن سماع الصوت بوضوح حتى عندما يتم حظر الأذنين ، والصوت من الضوضاء النشطة إلغاء سماعات الأذن TWS يمكن تمييزها في بيئة صاخبة للغاية.

مع تعزيز وعي الناس بالصحة الرياضية ، أصبحت المنتجات المريحة والمقاومة للماء ومقاومة للعرق هي الخصائص الأساسية لتوافق الصناعة. على هذا الأساس ، خاصة بالنسبة للرياضة الخارجية ، من الضروري ليس فقط سماع الموسيقى ، ولكن أيضًا يدرك العالم الخارجي دون عقبات. لذلك، الضوضاء النشطة إلغاء سماعات الأذن TWS كما أن أكثر ملاءمة للاستخدام في المشاهد الرياضية تفضلها أيضًا أكثر من عشاق الرياضة المحترفين.

بالمقارنة مع جهاز توصيل الهواء ، لا يلزم ارتداء جهاز توصيل العظام في الأذن ، مما قد يقلل من نمو البكتيريا في قناة الأذن ويحمي قناة الأذن. وحدة الاهتزاز الضوضاء النشطة إلغاء سماعات الأذن TWS يعمل مباشرة على الجمجمة ، وتجنب الأضرار التي لحقت طبلة الأذن الناتجة عن الاستخدام طويل الأجل للتقليدية أذنالهواتف. بالطبع ، هذا لا يعني أن الضوضاء النشطة إلغاء سماعات الأذن TWS لن يتسبب في أضرار في السمع إذا تم تشغيل الحجم واستخدامه لفترة طويلة ، ولكن الضرر سيكون أصغر بكثير.